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Ok so ive done a search and the only thing that comes close to this is for Arma 1,

So i have a TvT mission ive been making and would love to place a point system in it. So the team that gets the objective gets a set amount of points and maybe if possible the other team loses a set amount of points.

And before i go on ill just throw this out there NO this is not like Domination YES it is inspired by Domination this is a completly different set up and game style, but ill go into that later in a release post.

the way i execute a task i use SHK taskmaster 2 to call the task and a script to create the task.

in the init.sqf

	case 0: {
 		["Task1","Enemy Computer Evidence","SOCOMD has intell on the location of a Army Officer's Computer SOCOMD believe this Computer will contain vital information on The Rusian Armies war plans. Our job is to recover this Computer.",true,["MissionAO",getmarkerpos "task1","flag","ColorRed"]] call SHK_Taskmaster_add;
  		nul = [] execVM "missions\task1.sqf";
               player sideChat "SOCOMD has intell on the location of a Rusian Army Officer's Computer SOCOMD believe this Computer will contain vital information on The Rusian Armies war plans. Our job is to recover this Computer"


Now the Task.sqf

if isserver then {

sleep 10;  /// give time for UPSMON to start/////
_name = "GuerillaCacheBox" createVehicle getpos _task1;  // create Object on task marker
/////Only Destroy by satch
_name setVehicleInit "_name addEventHandler [""HandleDamage"",{(_this select 4) == ""PipeBomb""}]" ;format ["%1 = this; this setVehicleVarName ""%1""",_unitname];

/////Create Objective Marker for enemy to patrol/////
_mrkradar2 = createmarker ["marker_radar2",getpos _task1];
_mrkradar2 setmarkershape "ELLIPSE";
_mrkradar2 setmarkersize [190,190];
//"marker_radar2" setMarkerAlpha 0;  /// unmark to not show
sleep .5;

///Spawn Enemy  /// 
//if ((paramsarray select 19) == 1) then { 

_upsgrp1 = [1,getpos _task1,1,["marker_radar2","spawned","random","fortify","nomove","delete:",120]] execVM "SCRIPTS\UPSMON\MON_SPAWN.SQF";
sleep .2;
_upsgrp1 = [1,getpos _task1,1,["marker_radar2","spawned","random","fortify","nomove","delete:",120]] execVM "SCRIPTS\UPSMON\MON_SPAWN.SQF";
sleep .2;
_upsgrp1 = [1,getpos _task1,1,["marker_radar2","spawned","random","delete:",120]] execVM "SCRIPTS\UPSMON\MON_SPAWN.SQF";
sleep .2;
_upsgrp1 = [1,getpos _task1,1,["marker_radar2","spawned","random","delete:",120]] execVM "SCRIPTS\UPSMON\MON_SPAWN.SQF";
sleep .2;
_upsgrp1 = [1,getpos _task1,1,["marker_radar2","spawned","random","respawn:3","fortify","nomove","delete:",120]] execVM "SCRIPTS\UPSMON\MON_SPAWN.SQF";
sleep .2;
_upsgrp1 = [1,getpos _task1,1,["marker_radar2","spawned","random","respawn:3","delete:",120]] execVM "SCRIPTS\UPSMON\MON_SPAWN.SQF";
_dis = 180;
_ang = random 360;
_dx = sin(_ang)*_dis;
_dy = cos(_ang)*_dis;
       _positionToSpawnIn = [((getmarkerpos _radar2) select 0) + _dx, ((getmarkerpos _radar2) select 1) + _dy, 0];
_armourgrp1 = [getmarkerpos "task1", east,["T72_TK_EP1", "BRDM2_ATGM_TK_EP1"],[[-3,-3], [3,3]]]  call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
[(units _armourgrp1) select 0, "marker_radar2","spawned","showmarker","nofollow","random","respawn:3","nowait","delete:",120] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";
_dis = 180;
_ang = random 360;
_dx = sin(_ang)*_dis;
_dy = cos(_ang)*_dis;
       _positionToSpawnIn = [((getmarkerpos _radar2) select 0) + _dx, ((getmarkerpos _radar2) select 1) + _dy, 0];
_armourgrp2 = [getmarkerpos "task1", east,["T34_TK_EP1", "BRDM2_ATGM_TK_EP1"],[[-3,-3], [3,3]]]  call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
[(units _armourgrp2) select 0, "marker_radar2","spawned","showmarker","nofollow","random","nowait","delete:",120] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";
_dis = 180;
_ang = random 360;
_dx = sin(_ang)*_dis;
_dy = cos(_ang)*_dis;
       _positionToSpawnIn = [((getmarkerpos _radar2) select 0) + _dx, ((getmarkerpos _radar2) select 1) + _dy, 0];
_armourgrp2 = [getmarkerpos "task1", east,["T72_TK_EP1", "LandRover_MG_TK_EP1"],[[-3,-3], [3,3]]]  call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
[(units _armourgrp2) select 0, "marker_radar2","spawned","showmarker","nofollow","random","nowait","delete:",120] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";
_dis = 180;
_ang = random 360;
_dx = sin(_ang)*_dis;
_dy = cos(_ang)*_dis;
       _positionToSpawnIn = [((getmarkerpos _radar2) select 0) + _dx, ((getmarkerpos _radar2) select 1) + _dy, 0];
_armourgrp2 = [getmarkerpos "task1", east,["T34_TK_EP1", "BRDM2_ATGM_TK_EP1"],[[-3,-3], [3,3]]]  call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
[(units _armourgrp2) select 0, "marker_radar2","spawned","showmarker","nofollow","random","nowait","delete:",120] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";
_dis = 180;
_ang = random 360;
_dx = sin(_ang)*_dis;
_dy = cos(_ang)*_dis;
       _positionToSpawnIn = [((getmarkerpos _radar2) select 0) + _dx, ((getmarkerpos _radar2) select 1) + _dy, 0];
_armourgrp2 = [getmarkerpos "task1", east,["T72_TK_EP1", "LandRover_MG_TK_EP1"],[[-3,-3], [3,3]]]  call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
[(units _armourgrp2) select 0, "marker_radar2","spawned","showmarker","nofollow","random","nowait","delete:",120] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

///////Wait for objective to be dead then finish task/////

waitUntil{!alive evi1 }; 

["task1","succeeded"] call SHK_Taskmaster_upd;
[] call SHK_addTask;

/////////////////CLEAN UP/////////////////////

deletemarker "marker_radar2";


So would any 1 know how i can achieve this.

Thanks in advance.

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A bit much to digest now mate... but your points system would simply have to be a Global Variable for each group or side or whatever... updated at the right place(s) in the code.

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As twirly mentioned - possible global variables to track sides success/failure.

youll need a system to check who is completing the task. if its just blowing up an object to complete the task - you can look at my post... give you an idea


also can utilise something along these lines...

this addEventHandler ["killed", {
if (side (_this select 1) == west) then
   spawn deatheast; 
} else
          spawn deathwest;

Not really the best method to lob all the code in the event handle.

you could try..

_unit addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",{(_this select 1) spawn Scorekeeper;}];

then in the code


scorekeeper = {

if (side _this == west) then {westpoints = + 25;public variable "westpoints"; eastpoints = - 25; Public Variable "eastpoints";} else {do the reverse!};

hope the concept helps

Edited by Mikie boy

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cheers mate ill have a look

---------- Post added at 21:47 ---------- Previous post was at 21:40 ----------

Yeah its just blowing up 1 object per task

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Mikie Boy

So if i understand correctly i place

_unit addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",{(_this select 1) spawn Scorekeeper;}];

in either the players init or the objects init

then i reate a script called MPKilled and add

scorekeeper = {

if (side _this == west) then {westpoints = + 25;public variable "westpoints"; eastpoints = - 25; Public Variable "eastpoints";} else {do the reverse!};

is that correct.

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sorry dude, been away - without checking that is the general idea. If its not working i can check for you - let me know.

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You would have to make it westpoints = westpoints + 25

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if im using resistance do i change the east command to resistence

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again without testing appears that should work - havent used resistence much - best bet is too test and see what happens. make sure you implement what celery added - other wise it wont add up correctly.

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so where do i place this code,

scorekeeper = {

if (side _this == west) then {westpoints = + 25;public variable "westpoints"; eastpoints = - 25; Public Variable "eastpoints";} else {do the reverse!};

i tired creating a scorekeeper.sqf file but that dont work i tried placing it in the script it self that diddnt work

so what i done is

if isserver then {

sleep 10;  /// give time for UPSMON to start
_name = "TK_INS_Warlord_EP1" createVehicle getpos _task6;  // create Radar
/////Only Destroy by satch
[b]_name setVehicleInit "_unit addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled",{(_this select 1) spawn Scorekeeper;}];[/b]

_mrkradar2 = createmarker ["marker_radar2",getpos _task6];
_mrkradar2 setmarkershape "ELLIPSE";
_mrkradar2 setmarkersize [190,190];
//"marker_radar2" setMarkerAlpha 0;  /// unmark to not show
sleep .5;

///Spawn OPFOR  /// 

_upsgrp1 = [1,getpos task6,1,["marker_radar2","spawned","random","nomove","delete:",120]] execVM "SCRIPTS\UPSMON\MON_SPAWN.SQF";
sleep .2;
_dis = 180;
_ang = random 360;
_dx = sin(_ang)*_dis;
_dy = cos(_ang)*_dis;
       _positionToSpawnIn = [((getmarkerpos marker_radar2) select 0) + _dx, ((getmarkerpos marker_radar2) select 1) + _dy, 0];
_armourgrp2 = [getmarkerpos "marker_radar2", east,["T34_TK_EP1", "T34_TK_EP1"],[[-3,-3], [3,3]]]  call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
[(units _armourgrp2) select 0, "marker_radar2","spawned","showmarker","nofollow","random","nowait","delete:",120] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";
sleep .2;
_dis = 180;
_ang = random 360;
_dx = sin(_ang)*_dis;
_dy = cos(_ang)*_dis;
       _positionToSpawnIn = [((getmarkerpos marker_radar2) select 0) + _dx, ((getmarkerpos marker_radar2) select 1) + _dy, 0];
_staticgrp1 = [getmarkerpos "marker_radar2", east,["Igla_AA_pod_East ", "D30_RU"],[[-3,-3], [3,3]]]  call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;
[(units _armourgrp2) select 0, "marker_radar2","spawned","showmarker","nofollow","random","nowait","delete:",120] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

///////this now waits until he is dead and also no AI are in area/////

waitUntil{!alive Insurgent_funder}; 

["task6","succeeded"] call SHK_Taskmaster_upd;
[] call SHK_addTask;

[b]/////////////////ADD SCORE/////////////////////

scorekeeper = {

if (side _this == west) then {westpoints = westpoints + 25;public variable "westpoints"; eastpoints = - 25; Public Variable "eastpoints";} else {do the reverse!};

/////////////////CLEAN UP/////////////////////

[] execVM "delete_enemy.sqf";



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