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Thank you for the FREE NC DLC! New Time Trials: don't rest DnA, I'm getting closer!

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First of all a big thank you to BIS for the Free DLC and the new TTs! Truly appreciated!

I don't really like the music (it kinda fits though) but the design of the new TTs is awesome!

I love the challenge they offer and the NC times are really good. Nevertheless, I think I'm getting there. So watch out DnA :p

I'm still working on So High and I just beat Gold. Expect a video once I beat NC time!


Thanks again!


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Thanks for DLC!

Challenge accepted. TT11 Shreek noisecontrollers' time already smashed, my time is 4:03.488. I think noisecontrollers' time in that case is too conservative, as the first time trial is f... hard ;).


Enjoy new DLC and music is great.

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You are very welcome! The first trial is all about the dance around the skyscraper ... you can shave off tens of seconds there :)

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Pretty stressed at the moment, but I just got a new GPU and I'm almost there!


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My computer tried to tell me the NoiseControllers file was malicious. I told my computer I was willing to take that risk.

Wow! The first time trial really got my heart pumping! Love the music too

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I did it!

So much better with TrackIR :)



Video coming tonight!

Edited by Derbysieger

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Haha, brilliant! Your approach to the dance with the skyscraper is still different to how I designed it, but your turn also does not burn off a lot of speed :) #derbySieged

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So how do you dance with the skyscraper? I tried many different approaches (including quite a lot screwups and a few crashes :D) and stuck with the one you see in my video because you keep a lot of speed if done right.

Edited by Derbysieger

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I usually go full speed forward and up at the moment where you bank right (in front of the smaller scraper, after the lowest CP attached to the scraper). This will elevate me to about 10 meters above the scraper and using the momentum I can make a turn towards the 2nd scraper CP without burning too much speed. This needs a video to explain properly :)

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