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looking for a group to join in MP

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Hi I have just purchased arma 2 full version after playing for a while on free.

I really like the game its just what i was looking for.

Im looking for a group I can play with regularly maybe with you own server or even on public servers.

I dont mind doing my part towards server costs or whatever so long as i get a mature and good experience from it in the end.

I am 28 yr old male,timezone=gmt.

I am new to the game so i have much to learn.

I will happily install and use any voip or chat programs i need to.

send me a pm if your looking for more people to join u id be happy to accept most any offer atm :)

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Try out my server. I am currently hosting GITS Evolution on Fallujah so you would need to download that island. You can get it from a few sites but here is one. I have also a TS3 voice server if you want to use voice chat but its not required, I am PMed you the details for that.


Edited by Dirty Haz

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