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Editor Spawn Help

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I'm fairly new to Arma 2 but I've been toying around with the editor to get a feel for how things work. I've been spawning units on the Takistan map and making simple missions to learn the ropes, but all of a sudden the in-game spawning of units has gone all wonky. If I spawn a pair of planes on the airfield, one will spawn where I wanted it to, and the other spawn nearly a kilometer away despite being on the taxiway in the editor screen. Groups of trucks also tend to spawn scattered and not in the formation they were placed in. Infantry tend to spawn anywhere they want in the general location of their placement.

I say "all of a sudden" because my experience with the game is pretty short - this week, pretty much - but in that time I must have made dozens of short missions and just goofed off as many times yet it never decided to spawn my units all willy-nilly like that. Is there something that could be causing this? A mod, maybe? I've downloaded quite a few but none that I would expect to interfere with where the editor spawns objects.

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You could try to spawn a vehicle at a marker position like this:

_veh = createVehicle ["2S6M_Tunguska",getMarkerPos "marker1",["marker2","marker3"], 0, "NONE"]

Or at player position like this:

_veh = createVehicle ["ah1w", position player, [], 0, "NONE"]

And for spawning a group:

_dgrp = [(getmarkerpos "marker1"),east,6] call bis_fnc_spawngroup;

Edited by B00tsy

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hello Shabutie,

Welcome to Bis forums and the community.

I think whats happening is when you place units in pairs and groups, that units within the group or pair are synced and have not in

the past and still do not showup ingame where you placed them in the editor, this is just the way the editor works.

Groups of trucks also tend to spawn scattered and not in the formation they were placed in.

correct, if you wanted them in a formation then give the lead truck a waypoint and set the formation for infantry the same thing.

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