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Make a day be 6 hours instead of 24

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How do I make a trigger or something that is compartible with multi player to accelerate time that 1 day is 6 hours.



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something like this:


"signature keys are included but a multiplayer environment as not been tested, and this is just that type of think that is prone to break on this regard"

Also isn't it possible to make a script instead of an addon?

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Not tested but something like this:

while {true} do {skipTime 0.00026;sleep 1;};

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Roughly something like this in the init.sqf:

#define PV_VAR "PV_Date"

[] spawn {
if (isServer) then {

	PV_VAR spawn {
		_nextBroadcast = time + 60;
		while {true} do {
			//Skip seconds every second
			skipTime ((TIME_COMPRESSION - 1) / 3600);
			//Send new time to clients
			if (time > _nextBroadcast) then {
				_nextBroadcast = time + 60;
				missionNameSpace setVariable [_this, date];
				publicVariable _this;
			sleep 1;

} else {

	waitUntil {!isNil PV_VAR};
	setDate (missionNameSpace getVariable PV_VAR);

	[] spawn {
		sleep 1.0;
		skipTime ((TIME_COMPRESSION - 1) / 3600);

	PV_VAR addPublicVariableEventHandler {setDate (_this select 1);};


Every second every machine skips 4 seconds instead of only 1 giving you a 6 hour day. Also about every minute the time is synchronized for all to the server time so they the times don't stray too far.

Edited by Muzzleflash

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Roughly something like this in the init.sqf:

#define PV_VAR "PV_Date"

[] spawn {
if (isServer) then {

	PV_VAR spawn {
		_nextBroadcast = time + 60;
		while {true} do {
			//Skip seconds every second
			skipTime ((TIME_COMPRESSION - 1) / 3600);
			//Send new time to clients
			if (time > _nextBroadcast) then {
				_nextBroadcast = time + 60;
				missionNameSpace setVariable [_this, date];
				publicVariable _this;
			sleep 1;

} else {

	waitUntil {!isNil PV_VAR};
	setDate (missionNameSpace getVariable PV_VAR);

	[] spawn {
		sleep 1.0;
		skipTime ((TIME_COMPRESSION - 1) / 3600);

	PV_VAR addPublicVariableEventHandler {setDate (_this select 1);};


Every second every machine skips 4 seconds instead of only 1 giving you a 6 hour day. Also about every minute the time is synchronized for all to the server time so they the times don't stray too far.

Does that work on multiplayer cause it worked in mission editor but now my my server it doesn't.

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Does that work on multiplayer cause it worked in mission editor but now my my server it doesn't.

It should unless I made a typo. However, im unable to play Arma at the moment so haven't tested it.

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It should unless I made a typo. However, im unable to play Arma at the moment so haven't tested it.

Ye, I tried to recheck it and it doesn't work on my multiplayer dedicated server however it does work on a clientside server creation any idea's?

Good news it works now.

Edited by soundblaster

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Is it possible the fast time can make the client/server lag?

Fixed thanks all!

Edited by soundblaster

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