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I'm burnt out...

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I'm really burnt out on mission editing right now. I'd love to make something, but i lack ideas. I really want to make something where you have to sieze a location and hold it and your constantly outnumbered, and might have to retreat or something, but i have no idea what kind of story i would use to back that up. Would anyone with a flair for realism be willing to pitch in a scenario you think might work with those perameters?

Thanks in advance, me smile.gif (2222, kick ass! biggrin.gif )

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I was playing around with a scenario where my West forces had established a tenuous beachhead with troops and limited armor. I was using the desert island only because of the lack of terrain interference, but it could be anywhere.

I then had the East forces mount an assualt to push the West back into the sea using helo insertion and later with light armor follow-up. The helo troops would be sort of a "shock troop" element, while the armor and reinforcements moved up from somewhere on the other side of the island.

I had it fairly evenly matched so that the initial battle on the beach could go either way. The key being for West to be able to continue it's landing and to move off the beach to someplace more defensable before the East armor shows up.

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i did a mission where u r in a helo on your way to back up your forces in a huge battle and you land in the middle of it with all bullets flying threw your helo and your team mates dying next to u in the helo very cool

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I once came up with an mp concept based on the hughe number of really cool bases on kolgujev.

West, East and resistance all start in different corners of the island, with a set number of human players, perhaps with some ai to flesh it out a bit. You then had to go and take control of the bases. In each base and dotted elsewhere around the map would be all manner of tanks and jeeps and trucks and helos etc... which you could make use of. Once you moved into a new base your flag gets put up and a chinook with a squad of ai turns up to hold that base, it's just a 12 man squad who couldn't stand up to a major assault but could be of great use in helping you should you post some guys to protect it.

Tactics would naturally evolve around this idea that you had limited supplies but if you move on you might find something new. The winner is the team that gets their flag up in every base at the same time.

The only problem with this is that you need a lot of people to play and it would take AGES. Perhaps it might speed the game up if you have a choice of your bases to re-spawn from.

Feel free to use this idea, if you think it's worth it. Personally I'd love to play a map like this but I have neither the skill at editinf nor the internet connection to play it( so if anyone does make it an sp version would be much appreciated).

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If you are good at cutscenes and other stuff, I could use some help on a mission I am starting with a lot of custom sound and scripts. wink.gif

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Well you could always make a black hawk down mission.. I know that theres alot been made but from what you want Aculaud it works perfectly. Outnumbered,hold position,retreat.

Hope that helps Aculaud.

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