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ARMA 2: OA beta build 92209 (1.60 MP compatible build, post 1.60 release)

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To pick up on something from late in the previous beta thread re binoculars:

since 1.60 with the "more intelligent" use of binoculars, AI behave quite bizarrely at times. Crossing an unavoidable open space at full run (in delta formation, aware mode) half my squad fell way behind. The cause was unit 6 (a medic) taking out his binos every 100m or so to admire the scenery. I made the unit drop the binoculars & dammitall, he started using his NVGs as binos - at 10 am on a sunny day.

Also recently watched a Delta unit repeatedly whipping out his binos to look at the 3m high embankment 2m away from his nose - have the Delta units been upgraded to botanists, perchance?

Also with asr_ai rearming on, units sometimes will pick up a second pair of NVGs abd use thise as binos - as a poster in the asr_ai thread also reported recently. Looks ludicrous.

It's actually hard to reproduce, happens without warning in vanilla CO or with ' vanilla' beta 91138. I'll try to put together some sort of demo, & if I can get it reasonably reproducible for one or more oddities in vanilla CO, I'll create a CIT.

Thanks to all at BIS for the continuing & unsurpassed support :D

Oh no not again....

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