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Ability to recreate the exact same map and island network?

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One of the useful things about games like Minecraft is that the worlds it creates are procedurally generated. That is, a set of 'world construction rules' are consistently applied, starting from just a single seed number. In this way, two players can recreate the exact same map and game world, simply by inputing the same seed number at the outset.

Is Carrier Command also creating its 'random' maps in this procedural way? Ie. are there standard 'world construction rules' which are applied to some random input, to create the original game map? Or is the map, and then contents of each island, always going to be randomly created in a non-replicable way?

I think it would add to the Carrier Command game experience is we could recreate the same world over and over. For example, I could post the seed number for a particularly challenging map in the forums, and others could see if they could win on that map, or how quickly, etc. Solo, I could try different strategies on the same map to see which are most effective.

(Yes, I guess we could achieve a similar outcome by swapping start game save files. But it's much easier, and I dare say a little 'cooler' technically, with seed numbers, if that's the way the game currently builds worlds.)

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