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FLIR vision/goggles?

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I'm trying to write a small script that allows the player to see the built-in FLIR from OA without a weapon (FLIR goggles).

I know about setCamUseTI. I don't want a camera. I want player to be able to see in FLIR while he is in control (or, alternatively: is there a way to preform camCreate while allowing players to keep control of their characters?).

I've tried the old pre-OA ppEffect commands, but the fakery is pretty terrible.

There's some kind of low-level function that weapons and vehicle slots call to turn this mode on for the player. I'm assuming that ACE has a call to this function, as custom items (Vectyr, MX2) have NVG/FLIR optics. I've had the bug on several occasions where your vision gets stuck in FLIR mode outside of weapons/items (likely caused by a failure to call said function off). In early versions of ACE the 240 gunner on the Abrams CSAMM had FLIR vision without even looking through the gun's scope (!). So I know it's technically possible in the engine.

Can anybody think of a way of achieving this through scripting?

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Well, it's not older than four months, but he did sort of spam. Perhaps next time, helios932, you can give it a whirl and then come back with what you tried, instead of adding comments that add very little to a question that no one has yet been able to answer?

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