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Connecting Failed

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When my friend tries to join my dedicated server he always gets connecting failed. My other friend can connect fine so I think it might be on his side. I've done remote desktop with him and he's got his firewall turned off completely, no anti virus, and he cannot connect to any servers online. This started happening just last night and I have no idea what's changed other than I updated to the latest beta patch, but so did all my friends. I'm really stumped on this one. Yesterday we played no problem. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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could you be running signatures on your server and he has an unsigned mod? Is he using a router? Could he have changed that?

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He is using a wireless router. Like I said it worked fine yesterday. I've tried disabling BattlEye on my server but that didn't fix anything. Signature checking is disabled as well. He tried joining with vanilla as well with no mods. He says he's not got any cable long enough to connect directly to his modem.

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