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"Transport Unload" doesnt work?

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In a previous mission the "TRANSPORT UNLOAD" waypoint worked great, but now it doesnt work at all curiously.

There is a heli with four men "in cargo" and there is a invisible helipad with the TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoint on it.

But all the heli is doing is to fly to the helipad, hover above it and go to the next waypoint WITHOUT to land and unload the four men.

Is there something else I have to consider.

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Is someone shooting at the helicopter? Set the behaviour of the waypoint to careless?

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I remember that "Transport Unload" is only take effect in a group without the transport, your problem is your group are including the transport, so that you must change the waypoint to "Unload" instead of "Transport Unload".

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In the editor TRANSPORT UNLOAD works fine as a WP for the helicopter - is this a scripted waypoint or something you placed in the editor?

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I just placed the waypoint in the editor, and no, there are no enemy units so far on the map!

Waypoint behaviour is also set to "CARELESS".


I rebuild that mission a bit. But this brings up even more questions:

At the helipad, the heli just hovers aboe it - again.

easy overview:



Something really wired:

I found out that I have to walk to a certain position which I suppose to be somewhere beneath the heli. Then, first attempt, the heli landed on the helipad, great =) Notice, there were no other units around me.

But at the second attempt when I had a group of units near by, the heli flew several meters away and finally landed about 100 meters away from the helipad. This also happens at subsequent attempts. What the hell is going on there? Am I an obstacle for the heli so he cant land on the helipad? Or is this due to other reasons?

Edited by _qoR

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It an old problem, many struggle at first.

You have most of it sorted, but dont quite grasp all the variables at play.

The editor is powerful but not intuitive, you have to precisely instruct or control the AI to achieve what is a common mission element.

Name your units when you place them - easier then to use code snippes/ commands on significant AI.

Couple of threads very old and new ish explaining similar misunderstandings. Search more and find dozens



Follow your logic closer - start with empty helicopter - add crew seperately - movin cargo - explicitly state their names and set behavoiurs.

At the right time, your cargo units are never assigned specificly to that chopper - hence chopper hangs waiting for the 'unknown cargo' to get out, yet cargo never recieves that order. Sort of double whammy.

Could just be as simple as put this command into on activation line of unload waypoint :

"unassignvehicle _x" foreach (units group player)

Build with small logical steps and try to understand the "WHY?"

http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4847 Armed Assault Editing Guide - Deluxe Edition - English version by Mr-Murray

Take time to read some of the great guides out there and have fun.

answer to edit 2

Yes, you were an obstical - and which way was the wind blowing - both effect pilot AI

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In the picture you posted there is no H under the TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoint - that is why the heli will not land and hovers 3 feet above the ground.

Remeber you need H if you want the helo to land and always remember to sync your squad GET IN / GET OUT waypoints with the LOAD / TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoints. It will work if you do that - it's very easy to forget something.

Yes make sure there are no obstacles, trees, houses etc - you also don't need to put the squad waypoints on the H they just need to be nearby.

As said above it is always best to make sure the helicopter is flying into the wind on landing - you can do this using setWind eg:

setWind [-10,0, true]; will set the wind direction to the east - other values are on that page.

Test it yourself using a helicopter, trigger to set the wind, flag (reacts to and indicates wind direction), transport unload and H, AI with this moveINCargo heliName; in it's init.

You will notice the helo will land into the wind - if it's a tail wind things get very awkward, it hovers in backwards.

Edited by PELHAM

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There is a helipad for the helicopter, but not for the vehicle which is also shown (hiden between the units, on the left side).

And I also synchronized the both waypoints. You cant see that due to the zoom.

What I found out is that if I just observe how the AI handle it, it works fine. And what the AI does is to walk directly to the GET IN waypoint, which triggers the heli to land and LOAD.

Solution: increase the Completion Radius!

Edited by _qoR

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Is there a waypoint or something I could write into the initialization-box to make the heli land without making the crew ejecting?

You are still talking the unload problem are you?

If you want the heli land, just place a helipad nearby.

The main points: Are your men and the heli in the same group?

If they are in the same group, you should use a unload wp for the heli. If they are in separate groups, a transport unload wp is used for the heli.

This works everytime for me.

The wps can be place directly on helipad or somewhere close to it as AI heli will automatically land on nearby helipad if there is and necessary. (not too far away)

Hope i am answering your question cause i didnt follow the whole thread :P

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