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About cod0

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I saw some amazing screenshot, I think it's difficult to snapshot while the unit is initiating an action. There must be a way to freeze the action, and how to do it?
  2. For example, how to remove a MVD's mask and replace a normal one?
  3. Forget it, my version is old, and I have to do it with action... In fact, I'm making a parachute cutscenes that include some actions, it makes things to be more difficult if the plane can move. (forgive my bad English)
  4. I use Attachto command, but it is always shaking. Is there other way to replace it? Thanks!
  5. CameraView == "gunner" Then currentweapon player == "NVgoggles" ? I don't think it's correct.
  6. Sure it's ARMA 2, I didn't know it's only active in A1, thanks for explain.
  7. Aan how to use that? I lack some of its information.
  8. _m = 5; while {_m >= -3.7} do { player playmove "AmovPercMrunSnonWnonDf"; _m = _m - 0.1; player attachto [fly1,[1 , _m, -4.5]]; player setdir 180; sleep 0.04; }; detach player; Above is the procedure of my work. Problem is after the player was separated from the plane, he doesn't stop playing the action even if I use the "player playmove ''" or "player switchmove ''", is there something wrong with my procedure? Please help me!
  9. I remember that "Transport Unload" is only take effect in a group without the transport, your problem is your group are including the transport, so that you must change the waypoint to "Unload" instead of "Transport Unload".
  10. huh...no, you misunderstood it, I just tell you about the situation, the script I have completed it. The problem is when I use the Setdir 180, the character will change the direction and then he flash back to 0 degree! I don't know whether you got this problem, but I really got it. But thank you for your enthusiasm.