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(EDITOR) - How can I change the ambient light, and 2 more questions.

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Just before you start - I checked the arma 2 and arma 2 oa and arma 2 co editor forums and found no Questions things, so i guess im posting in the right section.

Tell me if I'm not :)

Hello all.

This is my actual question, how cna i change the ambient light?

I'm using the "The Unsung Vietnam War Mod" and playing on some night missions.

First, i wanna know if/how i can change ambient lights? I mean, like in the beginning of the movie "Platoon", you see when the U.S. Soldiers patrol the jungle, in the morning its a slight blue ambience, and its also more colourful. In the normal ArmA2(OA), you just get a black, uncolourful (though realistic) night/morning - But i want it SLIGHTLY blue and colourful. How?

2nd Question:

How can i trigger my soldiers ONLY attacking when the enemy walks into the triggered area?

It kinda sucks in my opinion that i cant set ambushes or get ambushed as my men and the enemy men always attack you 200 meters away. I would like to do it like that: Me and my men im commanding are sitting and preparing to ambush a group of vietcong. They wont attack them and stay stealth and unseen UNTIL the Vietcong enter the triggered area. Then, they will attack and keep fighting until every vietcong is dead. And i want to do the same with my men, only that the enemy attacks us first when we enter their triggered area.

3rd Question:

How do i get a bomber bomb/attack a unit and attack just the ground?

I dont like always having to switch to the bomber, then inaccurately bombing a area and then quickly want to switch back to my soldier just to notice he didnt take much cover and got shot down.

Thanks to everyone for posting ;) :D

- The aard.

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Hey mate!

I can only -partially- answer your 2nd question with YOU as commander.

If you want to make a proper ambush (close fight) you have to make sure your A.I. teammates are

properly hidden/adv.command menu/combat mode->Stealth//Engage->Hold fire until the enemy

approaches to your ambush point.-and then from adv.command menu//Engage->Open fire

If you don't set Hold fire the default behavior for A.I. is to Open up when sees an enemy.

One other thing could spoil your ambush is Enemy A.I. see You or one of your teammates-so your A.I will

automatically Open fire.

*I know i haven't really answered in your questions-i m just trying to explain how things work :)

P.S. oh.. i think this place http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?92-ARMA-2-amp-Operation-Arrowhead-EDITING

..is more appropriate for your question (because you asked) :rolleyes:

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Thank your VERY much. You deserve a cookie. And i guess i should post in the link you shown me as that might be the answer why i got only one reply in 1 day.

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Please do not duplicate a topic in multiple sections to get answers faster. When you realise you posted in the wrong section just ask a moderator to move it (which I now did and I deleted the duplicate topic).

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