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adding glasses to player

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I want the player to have my glasses without having the player add the glasses to their player profile. I can accomplish this by setIdentity, but that changes the players face and other profile traits to defaut. I would like to add the glasses, but not change the player profile (face, speaker, pitch, etc..).

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Let me reword the question...

How do I determine the players identity?

How do I add sunglasses to a players identity without changing name, face, speaker, pitch?

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I have solved this issue using a totally different way than I had thought. The issue that I was trying to solve was, I modeled some NVG's and wanted to simulate the NVG's being mounted in the up position when not using NVG's and then dissappear when using the NVG's. Well I had accomplished this by making custom glasses out of the NVG model in the UP position and when you used your NVG's (NVG's are basically glasses and when you use them they remove whatever other glasses you were using before) they disappeared giving the effect of mounted NVG's. The problem with this is the player has to add the NVG glasses to their player profile if they want to use my addon. I solved this by using hiddenSelections and the currentVisionMode command.

I also found this article to be helpful:


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