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the cold war is about america and russia not the brit's or anyother country except russia and america

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britain , france , italia , germany , belgium and many more would help , why always the british first ?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from solider on 3:23 am on Dec. 5, 2001

the cold war is about america and russia not the brit's or anyother country except russia and america

<span id='postcolor'>

Sorry but you're wrong, Britain was envolved in the cold war, especially MI6. They were just more low-key about it.

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Listen, 1)the cold war involved NATO, Germany, the UK, France, Switzerland are all in it and just in case you didn't realise not that many countries are in south of the equator-guess why A:the part that says North Atlantic in the abbreviation. The second part is britain would probably be involved as most PM's enjoy licking the current presidents arse, it has to be done its part of the job, just like the americans having long range bombers overhere. 2)the french probably wouldn't get involved, they think the EU is a quality idea and get anoyed at the U.S overshadowing the EU + the U.S government stopped giving them spy satalite pics since the french started selling them to less scrupulous countries + the french fitted the Russian T80's and T90's with sophiticated gunnery systems. 3)the germans, swis etc would get involved as they like getting there new Leopards tested

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