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Collective, Torque Bug?

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Before I go jumping around waving my arms in the air over in the 'Troubleshooting' forum, I thought I would first ask for some thoughts on the following:

Here we are flying around in our <insert generic medium class heli here>, all nice and stable after the 1.04 patch, when we notice that we've been so busy admiring the lovely trees and shiny landscape that we've drifted a little high.

Eager to get back down low enough to be able to count the grass we dump the collective full down (it's ok we're carrying enough foward speed to avoid getting caught up in a vortex ring, which isn't modelled in the sim anyway - I believe).

It doesn't take long to bleed off that unwanted altitude in this big heavy medium heli so after barley a second or two of 'free fall' we ever-so-gently squeeze the collective back up again. But lo, what's this?! The torque needles are going bonkers crazy! Now the heli wants to yaw right, so we begin pushing on the left pedal to counter.

Great we have the yaw neutralised, and a bit more collective we've got altitude stablised, but the bird is drifting right - probably just leftover momentum after that little impromptu dance in the sky we just had to do.

No problem, cyclic left bit...a bit more...no back a bit...there we've got the craft stablised is a fairly controlled hover. Torque needles are still going crazy though and to maintain stable flight/hover we've having to hold a bank of 20-30 degrees left.

Whoa!!!!!!! Feels like the pedal cables just snapped or something because now the heli is stuck in an accelerating right-hand yaw and full left pedal is doing nothing.

The aircraft then enters an unstoppable spinning cycle with the nose gyrating up and down in a surely impossible motion before we lower the collective to end this nightmare in a rather uncomfortable and unelegant collapse to the ground.

So just to recap (in a way that I could have explained to begin with if I didn't have so much free time to kill), in a medium class helicopter ('Firefly' I think was the exact model/livery - in case it makes any difference) after having reduced the collective to full-down during flight, it then seems near impossible to ever get the collective back up again without ultimately losing control of the aircraft - possibly due to some deliberately (and correctly?) modelled damage physics to the helicopter, or possibly due to a small but potent bug in the flight model number crunching.

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B in a medium class helicopter after having reduced the collective to full-down during flight, it then seems near impossible to ever get the collective back up again without ultimately losing control of the aircraft - possibly due to a small but potent bug in the flight model number crunching.

It seems like you're describing a problem that found its way through, which just missed Patch 4's release.

There a beta which addresses the problem here, and it will be fixed in a Hinds Compatibility pack asap.



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It seems like you're describing a problem that found its way through, which just missed Patch 4's release.

There a beta which addresses the problem here, and it will be fixed in a Hinds Compatibility pack asap.



So are all the HINDS medium class helicopters and as such will suffer from this? and will the beta you metioned fixed HINDS when the DLC actually comes out?

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So are all the HINDS medium class helicopters and as such will suffer from this? and will the beta you metioned fixed HINDS when the DLC actually comes out?

No, Hinds are their own class of helicopter with their own flight model, and the current fix in the beta is unrelated to Hinds, aside from the timing of its final release.

This fix will be rolled out alongside the Hind Compatibility pack, which, alongside its main intention of providing compatibility with Take On Helicopters: Hinds, adds some new engine features for vanilla users like retractable landing gear and some weapons improvements.

But, of course, there'll be the full information soonâ„¢



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