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patch 1.04 controller problem

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Hey guys, just patched to 1.04 and something really strange is occuring with my cyclic. I have reset all the axis and buttons and still when I move the cylic forward and aft it moves the stick (which is fine :)) but it also changes my torque drastically:confused: I have no idea why as I have reset the controller 3 times. G940 bug or something more?

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Yeah, it does this with the G940. You have to go into the 'configure controllers' section of the controls section and choose 'unmap'. You then have to go and assign the controls manually. Otherwise it just sees one joystick, so the collective axis is the same as the yaw axis and so on. A bit of a pain but doesn't take long to sort out.

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thanks for the response bud, I tried this too. I even tried just setting up the forward and aft cyclic and left everything else unassigned. When I move the cyclic forward the stick moves forward but the torque also goes to redline. I have no idea what it is.

not trying to "bump" this but a new development is that if I disable the joystick all together and use the mouse as the primary controller the exact same thing happens even though the only mapped control to the mouse is "cyclic forward". The torque still goes through the roof! If anyone else has a G940 and has patched it to 1.04 could you please let me know if you have similar behavior or maybe if you have a G940 and you haven't patched yet, consider waiting a while.

Same thing happens with the keyboard, UP key = forward cyclic and increase in torque

Edited by cochise

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