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Installing ACE on DEDI server linux

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I have a Linux Dedi server and I cannot seem to get ACE to work on it , I have all other MODS working on the server but not ace - all i am doing is making sure it is all lower case then FTP my local version of ACE to the server , is that correct do i need to do anything else to get ACE to work ( i have CBA already running on server)? do i need to upload Userconfig as well ?


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Maybe someone else can be of more help, but start by looking at your RPT file for errors. Then of course you should probably ask in the ACE thread.

But in in case, I think you do need the userconfig folder, or at least some of it.

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Hi there,

I've recently added ace and acex to our linux servers. After uploading the @ace and @acex content to the linux server along with a userconfig/ace/ directory with the client and server.hpp files in, and running the original linux OA server ./install (to make the folder content all lowercase).

You should just need to then add the mods to the startup command line.

To start the server: to make things easier, I simply added a line near the top to the ./armaoaserver file which looked something like this:


And then amend the server start line in the same file so it looked like this:

${SERVER} >>${LOGFILE} 2>&1 -server -config=${CONFIG} -port=${PORT} -pid=${PIDFILE} ${OTHERPARAMS} -mod=${MOD}

Hope that helps.


Edited by totalboffin

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