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A-10 and 30 mm

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hi guys.

in the PMC campaign, there is a mission when an A-10 flies above a village, and it fires down the street with 30 mike-mike.

i don't know if it's scripted or not, but i wonder:

how can i make the same?

i'm currently making a mission, and i have an A-10 for CAS, and i'd like it to fire only with 30 mike-mike down the entire street.

does anyone knows how to do it?


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It most likely used unitcapture and playcapture. Search the BI wiki for it.

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yeah, I know how it works, used it already :D

i just wanted to know f there was another way to do it or not...

thanks for reply anyway

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if you wanted to give AI the ability to fire only 30mm remove all other weapons from the plane, give the pilot a long view distance(at least 7K) and set it to SAD in the area...though it wont be nearly as pretty as the unitplay/unitcapture method it is however more dynamic

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ok, but how do I set a 7K view distance to the pilot?

as it's an AI pilot...will it work?

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hum... it's a SP mission, so will it work too?

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