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Trouble with team member AI driving/flying

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So i stop before entering a small village. I have a 4 man team. Myself and another team member disembark leaving a driver and a gunner in the HUMMV. As I start clearing the village i want the Hummer to just move in a straight line and advance along the road to give me support. It was just straight ahead and he's on the road. I select the driver point to a spot on the middle of the road and say move here. OMG i witnessed the most pathetic absolute worst most frustrating thing watching him first drive off the road and smash into a gate, he then reverses, pauses and continues smashing through 2 sections of this gate before pausing again and doing god knows what and finally gets back on the road and speeds up to where i wanted him. All he had to do was drive in a straight line! Thank god i was not in contact.

2nd frustrating scenario:

I'm assigned chopper transport in the same mission. I look for what looks to be a decent enough landing zone. It's not perfectly flat but well within the limits i would think, nothing even close to unreasonable. There are trees around but plenty of space for 2-3 helos. I use communication command, NOT in map mode, and point to the ground and say pick me up here. I swear to god and i am not exaggerating the chopper found the most dense clump of trees and attempted to land there. Of course after a few min of watching in absolute awe he crashed.

Now I really do love this game and in no way am i trying to bag on it but PLEASE tell me im doing something wrong. I have ARMA 2 AO, am fully patched and use no MODS at all. Are there things i just have to realize can't be done or certain techniques im unaware of that need to be done to get things that i want to happen happen? I can still enjoy this game but that Hummer one is really most upsetting, and if i cant even get that to work for me then, well i don't know... Like i said, please tell me im doing something wrong.

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The AI doesn't drive or fly very well in this game. If you want to get somewhere in a vehicle, it's best to drive it yourself. The AI isn't nearly as incompetent at combat as it is at driving, so I suggest having the AI dismount and you drive the HMMWV.

As for the helicopter.... AI can't fly very well in this game. They routinely crash into mountains and stuff (not as bad since 1.60, but still not great). I know certain mods like SLX can fix this to an extent, but BIS missions don't like mods.

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The AI doesn't drive or fly very well in this game. If you want to get somewhere in a vehicle, it's best to drive it yourself. The AI isn't nearly as incompetent at combat as it is at driving, so I suggest having the AI dismount and you drive the HMMWV.

As for the helicopter.... AI can't fly very well in this game. They routinely crash into mountains and stuff (not as bad since 1.60, but still not great). I know certain mods like SLX can fix this to an extent, but BIS missions don't like mods.

(Sigh)... So it's common then. I was afraid of that. I have to be honest I havnt played since, but that wont last long im sure. At least now I know what to expect, or more accurately, what not to expect.

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