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1.60 fxaa

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+1 for a separate bloom control.

Anyway, fxaa and ppaa do the basically same thing in the .cfg and I only have to set value for one of them, right?

Edit: yes, right; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131008-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-89223-(1-60-MP-compatible-build-post-1-60-release)&p=2104469&viewfull=1#post2104469

Anyhow, i am really having trouble to see any benefit from using fxaa. It definitely does something cos my gpu usage rises but everything is still quite jagged in-game, especially the telephone/electrical wires up in the air and houses. Am I doing something wrong or is FXAA just so "bad" cos setting AA low in-game eases the jaggedness quite significantly...

Edited by Atkins

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