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A script idea

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I just came up with this idea one night last week when i was patrolling the nearby woods (we had a major military exercise here in Finland last week).

For example, when a column of vehicles, lets say, 2 APCs and a truck arrive to their deployment area, they are instantly driven in the middle of woods and camouflaged. Usually this happens using a few camonets and long sticks to break their form to protect them from night vision equipment.

Could it be possible to write a script which could be selected from the action menu, which would create a few camonets around the vehicle? Also, now that people have O2 someone could make a few camonets which would be of some other shape than the basic OFP box-shaped net?

Script gurus write back,

// cam0flage

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im making some camo nets they will be done soon!

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Oh yes, quite doable.

Camo net objects would be necessary first.

There is that Shed object which is not bad.

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Sounds great!

Vixer, hopefully you're making some round-shaped camonets. The shed is pretty good but it really gives just cover against threats coming from above.

If the camouflage value of a camonet can be adjusted, i think it would be appropriate to increase it a bit. It sucks when AI gunners in helicopters report seeing camonets smile.gif

I hope some people keep this thread alive because i'm out for a 5 day trip into the forest, offered to me by the beloved Finnish Defence Forces tounge.gif

Enjoy your summer holidays,

// cam0flage

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