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Multiplayer Framework rExecvm question

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I have a question about multiplayer framework, can't seem to find any good information on rexecvm.

Yes I have looked at http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_framework

if I have a script: nul = this exevm "myscript.sqf". How do I use it with

[nil,nil,"per",rExecvm,"myscript.sqf"] call RE;

does _this in my script get defined by RE?

or if it has multiple paramaters: [par1,par2] execvm "myscript.sqf"

[nil,nil,"per",rExecvm,"myscript.sqf","where do the params go?"] call RE;

I want to execvm a script for all clients and jips and this seemed like an easy way to do it, but can't seem to get it to work right.


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For the parameters - ive used this sort of thing before now and seems to work

        [nil,nil,"per",rHINT,_jobdone] call RE;  
_jobdone = [] spawn snipcount;

not sure if this helps - but not 100 % sure what you are trying to achieve through your script

post some code - happy to check it out

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Think I figured it out, googled it again (a tad different from my first search) and found some info. I have it working now , had to change my .sqf just a bit


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Think I figured it out, googled it again (a tad different from my first search) and found some info. I have it working now , had to change my .sqf just a bit


Its a good idea to update your first post with the solution, so that when someone else comes looking for the same thing, there is an answer...

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