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ArmA 2 Boot Camp 05: Fixed Wing / VTOL

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It seems as though the game does not register this mission as "complete" when the player completes it. I've tried 3 different times now to see what would happen. I have done a complete restart of the mission and I've reverted to a save and tried both endings - Landing on Utes or the carrier.

I would create a dev-heaven ticket, but I cannot seem to access it at this moment.

I am running ArmA 2 Combined Operations 1.60 on Windows 7 64-bit.

Mission Complete

Boot Camp Menu

---------- Post added at 10:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 PM ----------

Ok, after competing the "Team" boot camp mission, the green box showed up. Not sure why.


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I noticed the same thing for quite some time, and it was annoying. However, eventually the green marker appeared in the Boot Camp mission list, just as it did for you.

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Yes, this actually happens. Quite weird, but probably is an error BIS made in the scripting files that regulated the mission and the bootcamp.

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Yes, I had to do this mission three times before I got the green marker. It's annoying, but it's good flying practice (for me anyways, I can't fly fixed wing too well).

Seems like scripting errors to me though.

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