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Work out if No civilians left

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How can I work out if there are no Civilians within a marker area - civilians are created by ALICE and some put in by editor


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I tried to figure out the same thing using some triggers. The number of civilians change all the time and if you kill a few the number still goes up and down. The interesting thing is when I setdammaged all civilians in the trigger some explosions started in the doorways that spawns civilians. I couldnt figure out how to find the number of civilians as I dont know how ALICE and the doorways works.

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if its a perfect circle elipse marker, then you could just use distance to check.

_marker = _this select 0;
_unitNear = _this select 1;

_pos = getMarkerPos _marker;
_size = getMarkerSize _marker;
_radius = (_size select 0)/2;
if ( (_unitNear distance _pos) < _radius ) then {
hint format["%1 is inside marker %2",_unitNear,_marker];

// short version:
_marker = _this select 0;
_unitNear = _this select 1;

if ( (_unitNear distance (getMarkerPos _marker)) < ((getMarkerSize _marker select 0)/2) ) then {
hint format["%1 is inside marker %2",_unitNear,_marker];

if not a perfect circle, shuko knows the way. :D

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Thanks, how would I run that? , I would like to run it from a script rather than from the editor in a trigger, as the maker will be a random place on the map.

if its a perfect circle elipse marker, then you could just use distance to check.

_marker = _this select 0;
_unitNear = _this select 1;

_pos = getMarkerPos _marker;
_size = getMarkerSize _marker;
_radius = (_size select 0)/2;
if ( (_unitNear distance _pos) < _radius ) then {
hint format["%1 is inside marker %2",_unitNear,_marker];

// short version:
_marker = _this select 0;
_unitNear = _this select 1;

if ( (_unitNear distance (getMarkerPos _marker)) < ((getMarkerSize _marker select 0)/2) ) then {
hint format["%1 is inside marker %2",_unitNear,_marker];

if not a perfect circle, shuko knows the way. :D

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Reread the question, and modified abit.

Place this local function in top of your script or atleast before you neeed to check.

_checkMArker_fnc = {
_marker = _this select 0;
_side = _this select 1;

_pos = getMarkerPos _marker;
_size = getMarkerSize _marker;
_radius = (_size select 0)/2;
// get number of how many of the choosen side is within marker wich is perfect circle.
_someOnePresent = ({side _x == _side AND (_x distance _pos) < _radius} count allUnits);

run this in your script whenever you want to check if a civilian is inside.

_count = ["markerName",civilian] call _checkMArker_fnc;  // civilian is side, use east or west etc for other sides.

you will get the number of units inside the marker of the desired side, 0 for noone and etc...

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ohhh nice 1 that done the Job !

What would be the best way to check say every 30 sec and exit if 0 and will it be any performance drop in doing this every 30 sec , it will be for a MP mission

Many thanks !

BTW did you ever finish your ParaReinforce - with Armour drops ?

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What would be the best way to check say every 30 sec and exit if 0 and will it be any performance drop in doing this every 30 sec , it will be for a MP mission

just use a while loop or something, should not affect FPS, not even with 1 sec delays..

while {true} do {
    _count = ["markerName1",civilian] call _checkMArker_fnc;
    if (_count != 0) then {
         ["markerName1"] execVM "roboCopPatrolScript.sqf";
    _count = ["markerName2",west] call _checkMArker_fnc;
    if (_count != 0) then {
         ["markerName2"] execVM "ramboPatrolScript.sqf";
    sleep 30;

BTW did you ever finish your ParaReinforce - with Armour drops ?

Not sure what was the latest test version you recieved.

Its been on the backburner awhile, ill see sunday if i can clean up latest version and send it to you, i had the drops working really nicely, maybe ill just add them in and release a new version just with that in it...

Still alot work left to do on it, just havent been fully motivated lately, someday ;)

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