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Charles Darwin

Adjust A-10 Gun rate

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Just curious if this is possible either in a config or even better via a script(though doubtful)

When the A-10 gun is fired it ill fire a preset amount of time independent of the time the trigger was actually held down, is there anyway to change this either via config/addon editing or a script?

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I remember it being automatic, but I installed ACE back in A2 days.

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you could try removing the weapon and replace with something that's more to your taste.


a10 removeWeapon "GAU8";a10 addWeapon "2A42";a10 addMagazine "250Rnd_30mmAP_2A42"

That would be quite a slow rate of fire.

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Don't necessarily wan't a slower gun, just one that responds to the gun trigger and then quits firing when the trigger is no longer depressed...if the gun does this in vanilla i must be in ACE settings ill test it when i get home from work and if so ill submit a ticket ^^

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Yeah, vanilla gun is automatic, ACE is burst like real life. There is a .pbo in the ACE files you could easily delete, but you will lose the sound for it and need a new mod.

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Hmmm, not sure if the gun is limited to burst in real life. something may have changed from the A-10A model which is what the a-10 in arma is to the A-10C in DCS A-10C, but the DCS title which (i assume) models the gun operation on the real A-10C has no burst mode it is a purely trigger down = gun firing/ trigger up = not firing system. I posted the question an A-10 forum and will have to see what the guys who flew the A variant say about it. if it's realistic to have only a burst feature then theres no point in changing it.

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Ok the guys on the A-10 forums replied and indeed DCS shows the correct GAU-8 function for both the A and C variants, ie no burst mode, it is strictly a trigger down = guns blazing weapon so ACE ticket submitted

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