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Scripting ACE Goggle Activation...

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I had been making missions lately that would require the ability to activate an ace goggles item. My intent is to automatically activate the Earplugs, and Balaklava while the mission initializes or before the game starts. So even the AI are using 'specific' gear without having to tell them to by orders.

My guess would be something like...

(This isn't a real script, just a guess)

_run = true;

while _run do {this activateItem "ACE_GogglesBalaklava"};

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You're probably best off asking the ACE devs in the ACE thread or in a dev-heaven support ticket.

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i did some work to figure it out, and here is the best shot I have... but for some apparently odd reason... it keeps having an error message when I put it into the initialization of the player\ai character.

--Ace's Use_Earplugs, Use_Glasses parameter line--

[player, "ACE_GlassesBalaklava"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";

--Error Message--

"Type Number, Expected Nothing"

I assume that the command line and parameters are 100% accurate, I didn't make those up. For those who have worked with ACE, do you know at all about why that line of text didn't work. I put the line of code in the Initialization box of the Player... didn't compile there. I put it in the Game Logic, does the same thing there.

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[b][color="Red"]nul = [/color][/b][player, "ACE_GlassesBalaklava"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";


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You're probably best off asking the ACE devs in the ACE thread


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