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How do I import a regular mission from OFP into the editor so that I can mess around with it?

Is there any good tutorials on this? If so, can you give me a link?

Thanks in advance.


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you have to download the pbo extractor from ofp.cz.

(note some of the missions won't work for me.)

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I tried it previously with 'DePBO' but with no success. What is so different about 'PBO extractor'?


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">note some of the missions won't work for me<span id='postcolor'>

That might be because you have to decrypt the files, too.

See Avon's FAQ for this.

Alternatively, you can download the De-PBO'ed and decrypted

campaign files from somewhere, I just can't remember where.

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All these dePBO progs, I think most of them just gives you messed up extracted files (encrypted?), but the "PBO decryptor" aka "UnPBO" is perfect! Has worked to 100% for me all the times I've used it.

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Where can we find UnPBO? I got dePBO and it's complete shite! I used it a few times but it gives me files full of gobledegook!

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