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Change direction of smokelauncher?

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I am trying to figure out how to change the direction of a vehicle's smokelauncher. For my SOC-R boat, the boat has rear-firing smoke dispensers. The default direction is of course straight ahead of the vehicle. I need to change this to 180 degrees behind the vehicle.

There doesn't seem to be a way to alter the default direction of the smokelauncher.

The best I can figure on a workaround is to alter the arc of the smokeshells via "SmokeLauncherVelocity" and "SmokeLauncherAngle" to small amounts so that the smoke drops relatively close to the vehicle.

Are there any other ways to do this? I'm considering scripting a solution but I would prefer to use the BIS smokeshell functionality if possible.

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Smokelaunchers on a tank (like the Warrior or M1A1 fire in the direction of the turret.

Maybe you could make a turret pointing backwards with weapons[] = {"SmokeLauncher"}; and smokelauncheronturret = 1; Also, define that it is unenterable and slave off the turret so the gunner or helmsman can press R to fire them. Inherit the rest from an existing turret.

I think that could work, but I'm not an expert with configs.

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The smokegrenades are scripted.

This should be the script:


Maybe you can find a solution in this script, or modify it for your addon.

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D.A. a new turret was something I was considering but didn't think about making it un-enterable... that may be the easiest way to do it! I got the smoke to launch in a circle around the boat by setting the angle to 360 which to be honest doesn't acutally look bad, albeit not entirely "correct".

ETA - well THAT didn't work. Flares are ejecting only when you enter THAT turret. I think due to the fact I have 5 gunner turrets and 1 commander turret I don't konw how to tell it to use "the other" turret for smoke direction. For now, I have it set up so the driver ejects the flares (it is a boat after all) and the commander turret is there only for the FLIR (actually an Observer turret). 5 Gunner turrets and the dummy smoke turret means I have to set "commanding=8" for the commander :) I will live with the 360 degree arc of smoke for now.

Edited by hcpookie

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