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"Demolition" Multiplayer PvP Game Mode (Set and Defuse the planted bomb)

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I thought ARMA 2 could be really interesting if Multiplayer Game mode "Demolition" was added (OPFOR sets and BLUFOR defuses or the other way around). It would really bring a very good Close Quarters Combat experience aswell as alot of teamwork and tactics. Of course satchels can be detonated instantly, but you know, we can sacrifice that feauture in exchange of a great and fun Multiplayer Game mode. I mean, it gets kinda boring allways having to play Domination co-op mode and simple PvP anihilation style games.

I find it a great idea since ARMA 2 also offers a variety of buildings and vehicles that can be considered as the "Bomb points" and the 30 seconds a satchel charge would take to detonate should be enough and fair time to defuse.

Also, the Game Mode i imagine is not Co-op, but actually PvP.

I hope the ARMA 2 community would take this in consideration and hopefully the BIS staff aswell since it would make ARMA 2 a way more fun game, but also realistic.

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That reminds of of Return to Castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer. Americans trying to get the documents in the bunker, and the Nazis defending. Maybe you can start working on it yourself?

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