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Spawned unit Attacks!

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I try and try, but I cant figure out, how to make spawned unit go to nearest unit from list [s1,s2...Techpriest] and attack it.

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I try and try, but I cant figure out, how to make spawned unit go to nearest unit from list [s1,s2...Techpriest] and attack it.

If it's some kind of WH40k units, you'd better post this in their topic.

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Im asking for solution of my problem, I just want to know is there anything like

_this comandtarget/attack/whatever [s1,s2,s3]

I look everywhere and cant find solution in google or this forum.

I figured out first part, but still cant make nearest target detector.

Edited by KanePayne

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Ok, so you'll need the findunit.sqf function, which can be found on OFPEC or just copy and paste this in a "findunit.sqf" script file :


By General Barron

[email protected]


This script returns an array of all units within a specified distance

of another unit that are in the passed array. The result is sorted

in acsending order of distance to the calling unit. Will never return the

unit originally passed to the function. To call:

[unit, range, [unit array]] call findUnits

Usage example: make a trigger, covering entire map, activation = once, "east present". On activation = "east_units = thisList"

Make another trigger. Condition = "count ([player, 50, east_units] call findUnits) > 0". On activation = "hint "the enemy is near" "

The hint will appear once the player comes within 50 meters of an east unit.


private ["_unit", "_range", "_list", "_found", "_numArray","_j","_k","_tempVal","_tempNum","_element"];

_unit = _this select 0;

_range = _this select 1;

_list = _this select 2;

_found = [];

{if (_x distance _unit <= _range && _x != _unit) then {_found = _found + [_x]}} foreach _list;


Start bubble sort (sort units from closest to farthest)

Code taken from sortBubble.sqf

By bn880 2/24/2003

(slightly modified to fit in this function)


_count = count _found;

_numArray = [];

_numArray resize _count;


_j = 0;

while {_j < _count} do


_element = _found select _j;

_numArray set [_j,_element distance _unit];

_j = _j + 1;


_j = 0;


while {_j < _count -1} do


_k = _j + 1;

while {_k < _count} do


if (_numArray select _j > _numArray select _k) then


_tempNum = _numArray select _j;

_numArray set [_j,(_numArray select _k)];

_numArray set [_k,_tempNum];

_tempVal = _found select _j;

_found set [_j,(_found select _k)];

_found set [_k,_tempVal];


_k = _k + 1;


_j = _j + 1;


Then the command to make your unit move to the nearest unit of the given array are the following script lines :

myarray = [s1,s2...Techpriest]
_closest = ([_unit, 9999, my_array] call findUnits) select 0
_unit domove getpos _closest

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Could you guide me a bit more? I have everything set, no errors, but spawned unit still doesnt move.

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There was a typo here :

my[color="Red"]_[/color]array = [s1,s2...Techpriest]
_closest = ([_unit, 9999, my_array] call findUnits) select 0
_unit domove getpos _closest

Anyway, could you post your spawning script here ? The unit must be out of a group i guess, so you may add some :

[_unit] join grpnull

after the spawning.

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"SoldierE" createUnit [spawn1,WAVE1,"M1=this",1,"PRIVATE"]; [this] exec "Hunt.sqs"

Thats all.

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"SoldierE" createUnit [spawn1,WAVE1,"M1=this",1,"PRIVATE"]; [[color="Red"]M1[/color]] exec "Hunt.sqs" 

By the way the hunt.sqs should look like :

_unit = _this select 0
my_array = [s1,s2...Techpriest]

[_unit] join grpnull
_closest = ([_unit, 9999, my_array] call findUnits) select 0
_unit domove getpos _closest


Edited by ProfTournesol

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Thnx, works fine now.

Maybe I'll prepare template & put somewhere.


I tested It and AI goes to first unit from

my_array = [s1,s2...Techpriest]

No matter the distance

Edited by KanePayne

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Thnx, works fine now.

Maybe I'll prepare template & put somewhere.


I tested It and AI goes to first unit from

No matter the distance

Mmm... could you post the exact content of my_array ?

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my_array = [s1,s2,Techpriest]

If I swicht s1 with s2 AI will go to s2

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Sorry i'm stupid. Create an init.sqs file in your mission, and add this into it :

findUnits = preprocessFile "findUnits.sqf"

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Nope, still nothing, they still go to the first guy in my_array, no matter the distance.

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First off; I'm not sure I'm seeing/getting all of KanePayne's info...

But from what I see...

Why is the below setup like this?:

_closest = ([_unit, 9999, my_array] call findUnits) select 0

Doesn't this select 0 - mean select the first unit?

This script returns an array of all units within a specified distance

of another unit that are in the passed array. The result is sorted

in acsending order of distance to the calling unit. Will never return the

unit originally passed to the function. To call:

[unit, range, [unit array]] call findUnits

Edited by WW2Weasel

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First off; I'm not sure I'm seeing/getting all of KanePayne's info...

But from what I see...

Why is the below setup like this?:

_closest = ([_unit, 9999, my_array] call findUnits) select 0

Doesn't this select 0 - mean select the first unit?

This script returns an array of all units within a specified distance

of another unit that are in the passed array. The result is sorted

in acsending order of distance to the calling unit. Will never return the

unit originally passed to the function. To call:

[unit, range, [unit array]] call findUnits

Nope, the function works very well, and as you can see in the enlighted sentence in red, it's because the units are sorted according to the distance to the calling unit. Moreover, it works flawlessly for me, i just tested it.

@KanePayne : Do you want me to upload my test somewhere so you can check what's the trouble ?

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Works perfect, just combine it with body removal & its good to go.

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