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Why doesn't the Apache have it's own laser designator?

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Basically the title above. Why doesn't the apache have the capability to use it's own laser to fire hellfires at infantry or anything else in general as in real life. I hope when arma 3 comes out there will be more attention to detail. Including things like problems to do with manual fire switching when playing multiplayer with another real player in your helicopter.

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Agree it is a little basic but Arma is mainly an infantry game. Some people have scripted that effect and it's relatively easy to add to the game, you just need some time and patience.

-create an add action - eg "Fire Laser"

-get the coordinates from your cursor crosshair.

-create a laserTargetW or laserTargetWstatic at the coordinates.

If you search the editing forum for "laserTarget" you will find some examples:




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Thanks, also can I ask, is there a way of making the Apache gunner cam more gyroscopic? It works greatly when the helicopter's turning but not when moving forwards, is there a way to make the cam stick on the same spot while moving forwards? I don't know if that's realistic though. And also is there a way of seeing the gunner cam as pilot? On a real helicopter you have the main flir and a smaller one above that on the nose for the pilot to use.

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and i noticed the ah11 wildcat has a laser designator the gunner can operate, is there a way of maybe transferring a file over to the Apache?

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I know that the AH11 Wildcat and the UH-1Y Venom both have laser designators mounted if you want to have another aircraft designate the target for you. You can also just coordinate with an FAC on the ground.

If you want to use a laser designator, I think scripting is the way to go. Modding the laser designator as an AH-64 Apache weapon would be a big pain, but scripts are easy enough. Even a dork like me knows how to use them . . . and trust me, I'm a dork when it comes to computers.

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