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Cutscene with player-avatar as "actor"

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Did anyone ever do a cutscene in a mission, where the player-avatar takes part in as „actor“ ? If yes, please tell me how, because in any of my attemps, the player-avatar freezes in the beginning of my cutscene before doing any actions sad.gif

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If you can't get it done, could you make two same-looking


Put the other one far away from everything.

When the cutscene starts, switch their places.

And when it's over, switch them again.

Just make sure that they have same weapons and

faces, and maybe you should check dam(m)age level.

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The problem is that the performed actions should take place, where the player is, when the cutscene starts. And in that cutscene the player-avatar would kill to guys and after that the player should take over again... confused.gif

(such a cutscene would be great for Operation Stiletto)

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ap = player

ap1 = clone

_x = getpos ap select 0

_y = getpos ap select 1

_x1 = getpos ap1 select 0

_y1 = getpos ap1 select 1

ap1 setpos [_x,_y]

ap setpos [_x1,_y1]

then back.

Could solve your problems if weapons and stance are not important. If they are there must be a possibility to detect either of them and adjust ap1 accordingly. Haven't found it yet though.

Did this a couple of times and it works.

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