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ARMA 2 Free on flash drive and...

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Hello, I have just joined this forum, and is it possible to play arma 2 off a flash drive? Because I tried to play it off a different and better laptop, I just used the crappy 5 (or more) years old laptop to install it and it gives me the "bad serial key given" error and the thing is that I have used the search function and all of the gives me the steam edition and I don't like to have it steamed because I just barely had enough room for just ARMA 2, reason being that I only have a 16GB flash drive so.... Help and parley from the flaming that I will probably get for asking the reoccurring issue?

Thanks for the help and it just got to me that this might be the wrong section

Edited by SpesWales

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You need to extract the registry stuff from arma and apply it on your laptop;

or install it there in the first place to get the registry entries.

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Hello, I have just joined this forum, and is it possible to play arma 2 off a flash drive? Because I tried to play it off a different and better laptop, I just used the crappy 5 (or more) years old laptop to install it and it gives me the "bad serial key given" error and the thing is that I have used the search function and all of the gives me the steam edition and I don't like to have it steamed because I just barely had enough room for just ARMA 2, reason being that I only have a 16GB flash drive so.... Help and parley from the flaming that I will probably get for asking the reoccurring issue?

Thanks for the help and it just got to me that this might be the wrong section

if you too experienced for registry editing, [which many advised in that case], just mount you flash-drive/SSD/ramdisk in particular folder of you harddrive[or leave it as "drive letter"], copy installed Arma2 here, make[copy/edit?] shortcut, tweak registry[tune path to new location] and launch it here. basically using flash[or ramdisk]ease things a bit, but not on desired scale. Arma2 desperately NEED 120x bigger RAM bandwidth and even more diff latency.

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