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no entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgweapons.m16

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I bet a lot of you have heard this one. I did some searches on google and here and Sorry. I just don't under stand any of this.

My mission starts with securing an area and getting a hostage to safety. The idea is I didn't want the hostage unarmed. So I wanted to give him a M16 and some clips.

Please in simple terms. How does this cfgweapons thing work.


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Hi, Cant really explain it, maybe someone else can but I can start you off with the reference,

maybe that can help you a little as it covers a wide variety of areas pertaining to cfgweapons.

CfgWeapons Config Reference


An alternative could be using a command via trigger to add a gun and ammo, or maybe more realistic is a preplaced

ammo cache somewhere, where you can lead him to it and tell him to go to gear and choose weapons accordingly

that is if he is under your command (ie., joins your squad)

Edited by Gnter Severloh

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Thanks Gunter, That didn't help much. and I seen that before and it still makes no since to me. I had to do some more searching on google.com and this is what I same up with.

In your description.ext file. You need to add this to it.

class CfgMagazines
class M16A2;
class M9;
class 15Rnd_9x19_M9;
class 20Rnd_556x45_Stanag;

and then in your script. You can do some thing like this. or in the init field

_hostage addWeapon "M16A2";
_hostage addMagazine "20Rnd_556x45_Stanag";

This adds a M16 to that _hostage and ammo too. I just can't beleave that this web site didn't have a reference to it. They really need to setup an article or knowledge base of some kind.

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Thanks again, If you look at that. It doesn't say a thing about the class CfgMagazines at all. So I' happy that I fount it on google. It's just I had to go threw 200 + pages too find it. Then again, Thanks for your help.

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