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BIS_fnc_3Dcredits not working

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Right, I am wanting to implement 3D credits into one of my campaign missions similar to what the PMC start mission has, I have found out about the BIS_fnc_3Dcredits function and have seen both the wiki page and a forum post i searhed about some problems with the function, however I myself can't get it to work.

I have tried the array exactly as it is in the example on the BI wiki page (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_3Dcredits) but it hasn't worked. Where position is i have stated the unit name, i have also tried something else such as getPos and getMarkerPos but they don't seem to be the problem I think. The wiki page also says 'call' and then the example uses 'spawn'. I have used both in the editor via a trigger and in a external file using 'player exec "credits.sqf";' to trigger the file but niether works. I have also tried placing the functions module on and implementing a delay as the functions module takes time to initialize but still no luck. The only remote response I have recieved is when i use the 'call' version with the functions module to which the game just crashes with no error.

Call Version:

["<t size='2'>Colonel Something</t>",position enemyunit,15,0] call bis_fnc_3Dcredits;

Spawn Version:

["<t size='2'>Colonel Something</t>",position enemyunit,15,0] spawn bis_fnc_3Dcredits;

If anyone has any ideas, thanks. I have tried everything and nothing seems to happen or appear when i try it out in the editor (SP Mission). I have ArmA 2and all expansions but no mods.

Also no one seems to have responded to my last post, but does anyone know what the 'unlockAchievment' command is for? Thankyou.

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Can't use call as there are sleep commands within that script. You can never call something that has interrupts.

I made an example mission with it working perfectly for you:


Also unlockAchievment is a left over from when the devs were thinking the game would eventually be on Xbox 360 (I believe). I don't think it does anything.

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Can't use call as there are sleep commands within that script. You can never call something that has interrupts.
you can call just fine code bodies with interrupts as long as you are in an interruptable scope.

e.g trigger field: call { sleep 1 }; will fail,

but dumm = [] spawn { call { sleep 1 } }; works just fine.

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thanks guys, will try that example mission out when i get home :)

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you can call just fine code bodies with interrupts as long as you are in an interruptable scope.

e.g trigger field: call { sleep 1 }; will fail,

but dumm = [] spawn { call { sleep 1 } }; works just fine.

Right, thanks for that out.

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Also unlockAchievment is a left over from when the devs were thinking the game would eventually be on Xbox 360 (I believe). I don't think it does anything.

dont talk like that! BIS would never think about evil things lile this:butbut:

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ha lol, xbox 360 and ArmA do not go in the same sentence, never ever.

But when I was researching the campaign description.ext i found that in original ArmA the description.ext had Awards in the script and didn't know whether it was anything to do with unlocks or anything.

But as it is, i will just create a Key based unlock system to add some perks and incentives :)

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not sure about the height, but a sample of size and colours are here:


This should give you some idea. incidentaly i think colours are HTML codes, you could cross check it on google.

btw this could be useful if you are investigating height (may allow you to custom code, if you like), otherwise the height just changes when you draw distance closer or away from the text.




btw you can put around two lines of text but no more, system doesn't seem to accept anymore than two, i have tried.

hope that helps :)

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