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bis_fnc_3Dcredits not visible in multiplayer

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So I made a mission where I have this:

["<t size='.5'>[ <t color='#4E7906'>Weapons</t> | <t color='#2265BC'>Ammo</t> | <t color='#8A896A'>Backpacks</t> ]",position Ammobox,15,0] spawn bis_fnc_3Dcredits;
["<t size='.5'>[ <t color='#D10000'>Field</t> <t color='#BDDFB5'>Hospital</t> ]",position MedTent,15,0] spawn bis_fnc_3Dcredits;
["<t size='.5'>[ <t color='#808080'>SATCOM</t> ]",position UAV,15,0] spawn bis_fnc_3Dcredits;
["<t size='.5'>[ <t color='#4A4A31'>Heavy Equipment</t> ]",position HeavyEquip,15,0] spawn bis_fnc_3Dcredits;

In a script ".sqf". When I try my mission out in the editor, I can see it, but once I host a game, it doesn't show any no one can see the text.

Anyone help me out? :confused:

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how is it triggered? sounds like a locality issue. Remember you must run this on ALL clients in order to see the effect.

Using AddEventHandler with an init event handler and possibly a respawn one as well you should be able to get it to work, just use the init and respawn event handlers to run that script when the players are initialized and when they respawn

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yeah that will run the script on the server and no one elses.. so since you are running the server you see it but no one else doe

just add this any player unit's init line

this addEventHandler ["init", "nul = player execVM 'intro.sqf'"];

this addEventHandler ["respawn", "nul = player execVM 'intro.sqf'"];

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init.sqf is run for all instances (players, server, JIP).

Please post your full init.sqf and intro.sqf:


Did you put the module on the map? Maybe the functions are not ready when you call them.

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