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Format c:

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Hi guys.

After having a break at map making and af few harddisk wipes of my main drive, Ive decided to continue on my map. My ArmaWork folder is on another drive of course.

But after importing sat/mask, and then starting up buldozer the box where it usually compresses the masks (or whatever it does) this box just quickly scrolls through with alot of "----------------------------" lines like that. After it finishes, buldozer can offcourse not find textures and shows a grey sat.

Before I do anything that messes up my armawork completely I wanna hear you guys what the problem could be.

(Its been a while since ive started the thing up, and im in doubt that I will ever get it working if I have to find out how to start it all up again)

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My first guess would be part of the Arma Tools missing... did you reinstall all the latest tools ?

If not - I'd do that first.... back up your old Armawork folder somewhere safe - do a complete fresh tools install with the latest tools - run the newest Arma2P to get your CA folder established, then - copy over only the essential personal project parts of your original Armawork folder to your new P:\ drive... then start up your project and try the whole sat& mask reimport thing again.....


Edited by Bushlurker

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Damn. I was hoping for some quick solution like "Its this file!".

I guess Ill have to try it the hard way some time, thanks bush.

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Damn. I was hoping for some quick solution like "Its this file!".

I guess Ill have to try it the hard way some time, thanks bush.

Are you sure all your project preferences and parameters are accurate? I would say Bushlurker is probably correct but it might be worth looking at those paths first just in case you don't need to.

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I did it the bushlurker way and that did the trick. My parameters where fine, they get saved with the mapfile (.pew)

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