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Help meeded: A2: CO and mod folders

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Hi huys. Please help I've been beating my head off this problem for about 12 hours now!

I had originally bought Op. Arrowhead as a standalone but decided last night to buy the original ArmA II and so combine them into Combined Ops. Both are bought from Steam by the way and I'm running Win XP Pro 32-bit.

I had no problems with mod folders with Op Arrowgead/ BAF with regard to enabling them in game via the expansions option. However with everything installed and running Combined Ops via either the menu option in Steam or the .bat file in the OA folder, the game no longer displays the mod folders in the expansions in game menu option

I've tried everything I can think of right down to deleting Steam's local content for OA, downloading it fresh (after cleaning all references to it in the registry and deleting the old directory folder) and reinstalling.

Can anyone tell me how to get the Staem version of Combined Ops to recognise the add on mod folders?

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Been having the same problem as you my friend, tried adding "-mod=expansions;@ACE;" ect to the launch options OACO in my steam library and it wont launch with any mods enabled although if i add -nosplash -world=empty this works.

Also tried adding various mod switches to a the target line of the shortcut on my desktop from the _runA2CO in my OA steam folder, but sadly this wont launch mods only vanilla A2CO.

The only way i have been able to run mods so far is through the "sixupdater" which works great but i just wanted to be able to launch my desired A2CO plus mods through a shortcut on my desktop without having to go through the sixupdater every time.

Some help would be great....

Edited by MJR

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I thought you could create a shortcut on the desktop thru SixUpdater. Preset -> New Preset. Then rename it and add your MODs to it. Then right-click on it and select Create shortcut in desktop folder.

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Yes you can but it will first launch the sixupdater and that will run through its set up/updating ect and then your game will launch.

I just want to make a desktop shortcut or three that will launch the game/mods without the sixupdater first.

I have worked out how to do this now by adding the various "-mod=expansion;@ect" to my steam library OACO launch options but each time i want to launch different mods i have to change these launch options first and this does not allow me to have the desired shortcuts on my desktop that i would prefer.

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I've gone the Six Updater route since that works well (although it does mean waiting while first Six Updater and then ArmA2:CO loads).

I tried adding the -mod=expansion,@xxx etc suffix to the shortcut to the CO launch .bat file, but couldn't get it to work.

Pity BI and Steam couldn't come up with a more streamlined solution, but considering the complexities, I can understand why they didn't waste time on it.

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You should be able to create as many shortcuts as needed and just copy n paste the desired MOD's target line from bottom screen of SIX updater, as on picture and paste it into target line of your Arma2 CO shortcut.


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With Six Updater, you can create 2 kinds of shortcuts:

- Direct game shortcut with startup parameters, -mod= etc


(click for larger)

- A shortcut to a preset, with optional actions like "Install or Update, and Launch game", or just "Launch Game" etc.


(click for larger)

You can create as many shortcuts you like

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