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MJR. Gastovski

What do you want in ofp resistance?

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all i really want is fixed collisiond detection, urban combat is just too screwed up now, when i'm outnumbered and want to hide in a house and pick them off when they get close, i don't like falling out into the middle of their formation

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How about this --> harrier4-s.jpg

I would like to have that plane and the dust that flies up when you get near the ground. Also make dust fly up with a chopper too.

And con.trails would be nice to see in hard turns. I dont think it would lag up the game to much if you just set it to show in a heavy G turn.


It would be nice to change load outs too... ah-64-load-s.jpg

this is just something I thought you guys might like to see.

Go to the bottom of this page and click on that pic http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/f-14.htm


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Artillery would be pointless becuase the distances fired would be way too far for these small OFP islands, but tube mortars, which fire over distances of 300 - 1300 metres would be great!

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