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[CAMP-SP] Wings

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Hi, today i release one of my first arma 2 campaigns (i made this in January 2010). In this campaign you are NAVY pilot. And you support Marines during Operation Harvest Red. It is very short and very simple mini campaign (3 missions) I think whole campaign you should end in less than 1 hour.

Campaign "Wings" v.2.0

For playing you need:

Arma 2 CO v1.59 [Arma 2 v.1.09 and Operation Arrowhead v.1.59]



- English version

- small bug fixes in missions and in briefings


- (December 2010) final Polish version

Short info:

-you are NAVY pilot (you fly on AV8B) and you support Marines from air during Operation Harvest Red,

-3 missions single player mini campaign (mission 1 is very short ;), mission 2 should take 15-20 min),

- short cutscene ;), outro,

-now all briefings and texts are in English, sorry for mistakes in briefings, i dont speak english to good,


Campaign Wings v.2.0


Armaholic mirror:

Campaign Wings v.2.0


Edited by tom3kb

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Looking forward to trying these campaigns, but I think I may be doing something wrong. I copied the folders "Wings" and "BattlefieldTakistan" into my Campaigns folder with all files inside them included and unaltered yet neither shows up in game. Any idea what's gone wrong?

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