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Affording new helicopters

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with the limited amounts of missions, I still cannot afford a medieval medium helicopter. do you know how i can make enough money to buy the new helos. also does anyone have any tips on landing the heavy chopper, its real hard to see out of! :)

thanks a million lads

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You have to just keep doing some of the side missions and contracts to get enough money.

You may find landing the heavies easier with this mod which allows you to look further sideways (works especially well with track-ir). Other than that, you just have to really control the collective as these things drop fast when they start descending. I find it hard too!

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I hope to bring some more side mission into the game where you can earn extra money. I got some great idea but i fell into the pitt called skyrim so I plan some mission around 20 december (bear in mind simple ones)

But you can redo the side mission because the spawn random

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