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Double monitors?

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So I know A2 has support for dual monitors but I don't see any settings to stretch it onto the second screen. Right now, my 2nd screen just displays my desktop.

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it doesn't support dual monitors, it does support triple screens though, for obvious reasons. With 2 monitors setup, the center of the screen would be in right between your 2 screens, which would make it kind of hard to aim and play

If you own an HD AMD card eyefinity ready, you can merge the resolutions of the 2 monitors in one, and try it yourself if you don't believe me...

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With Kegety's Soft TH you can run any number of monitors in any configuration you like...

PS... Just remembered I wrote a little... well, "blog post" I suppose, about "Multiple Monitors, and why you really really want 'em" a while back.... Thanks to my annoying domain forwarding palaver I can't seem to give a direct link, but it's in the "Under The Bush" 'blog' section of my little website


Edited by Bushlurker

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