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objectmapper and objectgrabber?

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I've had this working in the past but now I get nothing I removed the space the above ".sqf" so that's ok.

If I put a hint on the null it returns the patch of the file not true /false which it says it should.

I tried copying the file directly to the mission folder but again nothing just the path to the file.

Here's the actual code

scriptName "DynO\data\scripts\objectGrabber.sqf";
File: objectGrabber.sqf
Author: Joris-Jan van 't Land

Converts a set of placed objects to an object array for the DynO mapper.
Places this information in the debug output for processing.

_this select 0: position of the anchor point
_this select 1: size of the covered area

Success flag (Boolean)

//Validate parameter count
if ((count _this) < 2) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [objectGrabber] Function requires at least 2 parameters!"; false};

private ["_anchorPos", "_anchorDim"];
_anchorPos = _this select 0;
_anchorDim = _this select 1;

//Validate parameters
if ((typeName _anchorPos) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [objectGrabber] Anchor position (0) must be an Array!"; false};
if ((typeName _anchorDim) != (typeName 0)) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [objectGrabber] Covered area size (1) must be an Number!"; false};

private ["_objs"];
_objs = nearestObjects [_anchorPos, ["All"], _anchorDim];

for "_i" from 0 to ((count _objs) - 1) do
private ["_obj", "_type"];
_obj = _objs select _i;

_type = typeOf _obj;

//Exclude human objects.
private ["_sim"];
_sim = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "simulation");
if !(_sim in ["soldier"]) then
	private ["_objPos", "_dX", "_dY", "_z", "_azimuth", "_fuel", "_damage"];
	_objPos = position _obj;
	_dX = (_objPos select 0) - (_anchorPos select 0);
	_dY = (_objPos select 1) - (_anchorPos select 1);
	_z = _objPos select 2;
	_azimuth = direction _obj;
	_fuel = fuel _obj;
	_damage = damage _obj;

	debugLog (format ["Log: objectGrabber: %1", [_type, [_dX, _dY, _z], _azimuth, _fuel, _damage]]);


I do have another grabber file which does work but it adds lots of extra quotes which all need deleting.

I'm getting "MISSINIT","grabber","utes",false,true,false] in the rpt file.

calling it with

null = [getpos player,100] execvm "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectGrabber.sqf"


null = [player,100] execvm "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectGrabber.sqf" 

same result for both.

Edited by F2k Sel

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ok... thank for reply...

but im not sure what to do...

well i try something! we will see!!! :)

thank you very much

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