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TOH Linux Server beta 1.02.86122

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CRC32: 326CA4B5

MD5: 66EDD361C761240863A54203487DDD7C

SHA-1: 0F59952598D125859A1EA52719F00549D11FDC83

Note that it requires TOH data to be updated to version 1.02 first in order to run properly.

Please provide us with feedback to this topic.


Take on Helicopters - Linux Standalone Server 1.02


Copyrigt © 2011 Bohemia Interactive Studio. All rights reserved.

For more information please visit


Installation instructions:


1. Following programs must have been installed on your Linux-box:

tar, gcc. Optional: md5sum (for setup integrity check)

1a. On some verions of Linux (this was reported for RedHat 9

and Gentoo linux 2.4.20) the NSCD deamon must be installed to

run TOH server successfully. Caching of DNS would be sufficient.

2. Copy the whole "Take on Helicopters" directory from Windows

to some Linux-directory (takeonh). DON'T DO ANY DATA CONVERSIONS

(even "dos2unix" translation of text files is not necessary).

Example: you can use PKZIP (WinZip, PowerArchiver, etc.) on

Windows and "unzip" on Linux.

Don't use upper case letters in the takeonh directory name

(/home/bob/takeonh will be good, /home/bob/TakeOnH

may cause some troubles).

takeonh directory should contain subdirectories "Addons", "Bin", etc.

3. Copy the "server-x.xx.tar.gz" (x.xx is version number) file into

the takeonh directory. Unpack and install it with commands:

takeonh$ tar -xjf server-x.xx.tar.bz2

takeonh$ ./install

Watch the messages - they will inform you whether your installation

is successful.

4. Dedicated server can be started in foreground:

takeonh$ ./server

Or in background:

takeonh$ nohup ./server > out.txt 2> err.txt &

[1] <pid>

5. Running server can be stopped by executing:

$ kill -s SIGINT <pid>

Where <pid> is process-id of mother server thread (printed out in

"nohup" command).

6. Take on Helicopters server has a feature: command-line parameter

"-pid=<pid_file>". It causes creation of <pid_file> with

PID of root TOH process. If IP port specified in "-port=<nn>"

parameter is busy (in usage), TOH will terminate immediately

and <pid_file> won't be written..

7. The "tohserver" script is provided for automatic server

start/restart/status query/etc. Please be sure to edit


After this is done, install (hard-link?) the script into

"/etc/rc.d/init.d/tohserver" file. After that it can be managed

by "chkconfig" (see info/man).

previous thread about 1.01 beta linux :

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no, but i will see to it next week to get linux server in match with the build used for 1.03 language update

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