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ArmA 2: OA Beta build 86162

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Immersion seems to be an annoyance to a lot of online "powerplayers" as they always call for a way to turn it off.

Grass - off

Shadows - off

Post processing - off

Headbob - off

Camera shake - off

Crosshair- on

Lara Croft perspective - on

Labels - on

Infinite respawn with autolock launcher - on

Frag mode - on

Immersion - off

Grass eats FPS for no good reason, I lose a very noticeable amount with it on. I have shadows on highest, post processing is ugly as shit so I turn it off, head bob gets turned off so I don't get motion sickness.

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Vote for the next step in AI pathfinding improvement - stepping over low fences/walls (f.e. this is much faster to do than crawling under that chernarussian fence and will certainly make AI look more "player-like")


Voted up. Seems like the next logical step in pathfinding.

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Bug:looking in a scope with night vision on,you only see black.
Still a feature and not a bug it doesnt matter how often you post it.

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