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Force Feedback only works in Medium heli

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Realized it today for the first time, because I never had a medium in the career, and I usually only fly the light helicopter because the heavy doesn't "feel" heavy - and the medium's got some pretty strong force feedback!

It was nice, I actually had a reason to trim out the bird in flight, and I could feel the weight of the helicopter a little bit more.

I went back to the light and heavy birds, and they both felt like they had no force feedback. My joystick auto-centers, but the heft that the medium chopper had isn't there. It's really bugging me in the heavy, since it doesn't feel heavy compared to flying the light helicopter.

I'm using a MS Force Feedback 2, with the red trigger. As far as I know, it's just the standard windows driver for it, I checked the Microsoft web site and they don't even support it anymore, as far as I could tell.

Is everybody else having no FFB in the light or heavy birds, or is it just me?

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Dont feel any force feedback, just the stick vibrating (very lightly), but it does that the most on the Mediums.

I was just wondering if theres a way to adjust Force Feedback / Stick Vibration in this game.

I am using a Saitek Cyborg Evo Force joystick here.

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Helicopters usualy dont have any forcefeedback you might know from fixed wing aircraft, so there is no simulation of such effects in TKOH

I personaly do remove all forces from the stick.

One setting can be made in your joystick/windows settings. I personaly do set all forces including centering spring to 0%

You can also edit TKOH profile at ...\Documents\Take On Helicopters*\USERNAME.TakeOnHProfile

and change default value vibrations=1; to 0

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