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To programmers of game

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... how to edit maps, tell me if it is possible to make something appear or disappear from map using a trigger and the CONDITION OF PRESENCE of the object or ITEM ??

I think its more simple then creating everything UUNDER GROUND then pop it up with the SETPOS.

PLEASE help me I need a reply from CODEMASTERS or BI programmers who know how they made this game.


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The Condition of Presence thing only gets considered before the game starts, so you can do things like make a unit only appear when the game is in Veteran mode or to give a squad a certain probability of being in the game.

There are createUnit and createVehicle commands, details of them are in the command reference on the official flashpoint site. Wouldn't be much easier than using the setpos command though, from what I remember of your problem.

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btw - why you are calling for Codies or BIS for such

a question, instead of just trying it, and finding out

that it doesn't work. wink.gif

P.S. i don't think, Codies would have been the right

address to ask for, as long as they published the game

(and not developed).

~S~ CD

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OK, well I thought I would find a good Samaritan who could help me, but I see I only find CRITICS ( not referring to you SCLZ ).

Well thanks anyway, I'll leave my mission as it is.

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errm - Sorry but i can't really find bad critics in my reply

to you.

All i tried to tell you, was to strength up your brain

a little bit, before calling for people who wouldn't be

able to help you (not refering to BIS), more to Codies.

As i could read by SUMA himself one time, he wrote

that they even aren't reading posts like: a question for BIS

or: BIS i need you.

Also, i was answering at least 2 times in the last weeks

to posts, relating nearly to the same question, you were

asking here.

I tell you know, how i learned most of editing stuff:

I was just reading threads from other people.

I even didn't post in there, just reading them.

I don't wanna say, you shouldn't ask questions, but

you could at least have a quick look through the last

2 or 3 pages, before calling for "the programmers of the game".

Think again about the thread you opened, and how it started.

Title: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">to programmers of game<span id='postcolor'>

followed by a: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">how to edit maps<span id='postcolor'>

Well - let's say a programmer of the game reads your title.

He says: ah it's a question for me

*programmer opens thread and reads the first line*

*programmer starts laughing after the 4th word*

*programmer leaves the thread, turns off pc, turns around

to other programmer and says: hahaha those guys are asking

again, how to edit maps*

You got what i mean?

I really didn't want to bombard you with critics

btw - did you know that critics aren't only bad's

critics is also called feedback (jfyi)

I could have answered your question aswell, but if i see

someone asking questions, and 3 hours later he writes:

can noone answer this quest? (happened in another thread

by you), i always start thinking about: shall i really spend

my free-time for typing the same stuff, i already did twice

in this week.

Sorry if it went long this time, just tried to show you my point

of view. wink.gif

~S~ CD

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Calm down guys,

2 points,

1. I think the best way to learn is too just play around with the mission editor and read other peoples posts (search the forums) Also there are great editing site like www.ofpec.com for one example.

There is no point in them being around if people can't be bothered to click their mouse a couple of times

2. But then again if you don't have time to search around for the answer you need, then you should post as the last resort.

I hate seeing the same thread being posted twice in a week. (this is not one of them though)

I am not taking sides here so...

Back to the topic,

You will have to use the setpos command to make units disappear, try using "unitname setpos [0,0,0]"

Don't setpos them underground some times they will pop back up.


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if the unit dosn't need ai (like an empty tank) you can use the camcreate command:

objname = "M1Abrams" camCreate [x,y,z]

You can place something like a gamelogic and use the getpos command in place of [x,y,z], Example:

create a game logic named "place", and place it where you want the tank, then here is the syntax

objname = "M1Abrams" camCreate [(getpos place select 0), (getpos place select 1)]

this makes it start on the ground, and use this to make it start in the air,

[(getpos place select 0), (getpos place select 1),5]  makes it start 5 meters in the air, the last number can be positive or negitive,

hope this helps, im still trying to find out how i can use waypoints to apply ai to a created soldier, i know it can be done but i can't do it yet...

Hope this helps biggrin.gif

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