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Demo won`t start - "this build has expired"

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Argh, just delete my post below. It seems I grabed an old version of the preview. Build 84444 works like a charm. Sorry!

(Hey there,

just installed the community preview. Is it still meant to work?

Installation went smooth like all mods/DLCs did before, but, when starting the link created in my main folder ("Launch TKOH Community Preview"), I get this message:

"This build has expired. Please contact support@xxxxxx.com for more info."

... where xxxxxx.com is a software company that creates helicopter-dynamics-libraries.

Any one else experiencing this issue or may I ask someone to slap my neck? :butbut:

Thanks in advance!)

Edited by Sig_Husker

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Please be careful in future! ;)

The project lead can only be worried like this a limited number of times before he completely explodes! :p


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