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Tips on Landing?

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I am absolutely terrible with trying to land a helicopter. I'll end up either taking forever to land, losing control, or hit the ground too hard or land at an incorrect angle.

Can someone give me a step-by-step walkthrough of how to land quickly and efficiently?

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Setting up the controls correctly is crucial. minimize deadzone on the joystick and i would add a bit of added sensitivity for the cyclic control. I would then focus on flying the aircraft with minimal control input but focusing on anticipating all aircraft movement.

You then have to be picky about landing site and approach. Find an open location that is on level flat ground. Be patient when coming in and try to get yourself in a 5 ft hover over the spot you want to land. Do not touch down until you have zero relative horizontal movement between the helicopter and the ground. Its better to have forward movement than side movement since that tends to tip the helicopter over. Once you are in a 1 ft stable hover over a point on the ground lower the collective and plant yourself on the ground. Initially this may be a bit rough but you'll slowly get to the point where you can soften up the landing.

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Heh, trying to get in that hover being the hard part he is probably having the trouble doing..

I just got the beta, and I spent my fair share of time in the CP trying to learn how to fly in expert mode, with no auto trim and I did indeed learn. Although there were some bugs that caused issues, it took literally 3 days of configuring my stick and pedals, and dead spots with drivers etc to be able to fly, and then to actually get a shot at landing. (using sticks and pedals, not mouse k/b)

Its extremely challenging getting it tweaked right,, eventually once you get it, you'll redo your drivers with no dead spots as that's when you learn its not your stick, but you'll learn how to fly eventually and the cyclic importance, and the rudder importance etc etc...and then you'll be loving it...

Time and patience is a requirement...

It is hard, and i'm re-calibrating all over again wishing i remembered half of what I have forgot.. I wouldn't waste my time in non expert mode and with auto trim.... that's not fun at all IMO..

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I don't have a joystick and pedals though. Don't have much money. I'm using my mouse and keyboard :x

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I don't have a joystick and pedals though. Don't have much money. I'm using my mouse and keyboard :x

Don't have much to say other than its probably most in your cyclic control....

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Don't have much to say other than its probably most in your cyclic control....

My biggest issue is the decent and stop. It's also how to land smoothly. I keep fidgeting with the level control to drop the chopper but I either drop too hard and don't recover or I drop and raise it up too much.

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try to pump it up and down... its not simple as 10% keeps you at 20 alt.... make sure you don't have auto trim on... which im not even sure is present.. i am having my own share of issues compared to CP

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I've had no problems landing the helicopter so far (expert mode without auto-hover as I like to learn things the hard way) but choose open terrain for landing. Not very accurate but at least I can land. My forward speed is kept very low and I use a tree or building as a reference point at a 10:00 or 14:00 position. When ground effect kicks in I decrease collective and reduce ground speed towards zero.

Must add that I could not do this without my controller but will give that a try too.

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